The workshop slides are now available here.
Developing and implementing projects is a core activity for NGOs. When funding is available and the first results are encouraging, projects tend to grow, be it by scaling them up or by replication. Which strategies and models can be considered? And, to make a project fit for growing, which factors and challenges should to be considered since the beginning?
In this workshop, we will have the input of the Mava Foundation and myclimate, two organisations with broad experience in launching and supporting projects developed by partner organisations. We will focus on key aspects of growing a project and facing the different challenges that come with it: financial, manpower, know-how and – sometimes– finding suitable partners or beneficiaries. The first part will include a round of presentations and discussion with the guest speakers; in the second part, we will analyse concrete cases in a workgroup setting to highlight real challenges and best practices.
The session is thought for 10 to 20 participants, professionally involved in the area. We like to see things from different angles and based on actual experience. As such, we will look to include the input of different stakeholders (NGOs, foundations, experts, etc) and focus on an open and productive exchange.
Interested participants can submit cases, past or current, for discussion in the second part of the workshop.
Deadline for submitting cases: May 9, 2016. Mail
For registrations, please use the form below.
Time | Topic | Details |
13:00 | Opening |
13:30 |
Part 1: Presentations by guest speakers |
15:15 | Break |
15:15 |
Part 2: Case analysis |
17:15 |
Closing |
General fee: CHF 150 per person*
Discount for smaller NGOs (<500k yearly turnover): CHF 100 per person*
* 2nd person: 25% off
Please register (and your colleagues) until May 23, 2016 using the form below. Later registrations are also possible.
A confirmation will be sent by email.
Attendance is open but limited to room capacity.
Participants also have the possibility to meet before and after the session at the public restaurant/bar, located in the building. Please let us know if you wish to do so.
Please contact us via
We look forward to hearing from you
For specific inquiries, please contact one of our team members directly.
For general requests, please use our contact form on the right side or send us an e-mail.
We will get back to you soon.