
Focusing on the issues that make a difference

During our regular contact with different stakeholders we look for issues that affect initiators and supporters but where individual action is beyond their normal focus or capacity. As part of our non-financial support to NGOs, we might organise workshops or studies with the goal of overcoming this barrier and provide practical answers that can be turned into action.

Our general approach is to bring together the perspectives of different stakeholders, highlight concrete cases of strategies, best practices and challenges. To put it all in context, we also try to provide a good level of background knowledge. In addition, we connect these activities with our other initiatives and work with partners to further increase the effect.

Scaling up and multiplication of projects in the NGO area

Event type: 
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - 13:00 to 17:30


The workshop slides are now available here.

Developing and implementing projects is a core activity for NGOs. When funding is available and the first results are encouraging, projects tend to grow, be it by scaling them up or by replication. Which strategies and models can be considered? And, to make a project fit for growing, which factors and challenges should to be considered since the beginning?

Kampagnenforum "Fundraising for NGOs/NPOs - advanced course"

Event type: 
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - 12:00 to 17:00

On behalf of SUSTINOVA and Oikonaut, Paulo Morais will be conducting a presentation at the upcoming Kampagnenforum workshop "Fundraising for NGOs/NPOs - advanced course".

The presentation and ensuing discussion will be based on the findings of the SUSTINOVA study on current practices by grant-making foundations in CH and Liechtenstein.

Sustinova workshop: Challenges to efficiency + Entrepreneurial projects in NGOs

Event type: 
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 13:30 to 17:30


NGOs are confronted with multiple challenges, be it changes in the preferences of high-profile donors or limited resources to develop their own organisation.
Building on the input from our team and invited speakers with experience in the area, we will explore real-life cases and how your organisation can build practical solutions
The workshop is aimed primarily at NGOs active in the area of Sustainability. However, we are aiming to have attendants from the grant-making and support side as well, to enrich the exchange.

Past events

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We will get back to you soon.