Guest Post

Finding the path




Finding a meaningful career: a personal story

Daniel is a young Swiss person, a self-described “typical generation Y”. He has a background in Psychology, works as a HR-recruiter for a big firm and coaches his friends in building their own path. His experiences in life have helped him to define his dream job in a realistic way and to know that an NGO would likely be a good place to find it. For him, money is not the primary focus, generating impact and making social change is. Getting this job and making a career out of it would bring personal fulfillment and help others, making the world a better place.

The donors's overfilled letterbox /  Spenders übervoller Briefkasten




The overfilled letterbox of the overwhelmed donor

(Photo above: the collection of mail received by Sustinova during 2016, after we started routing donations as part of our Sustinova Connect pilot project. We left the presents and trinkets out of the photo)


Sustainable strategies development




Sustainable strategies in Humanitarian Relief Work

Guest contribution by Medair


Everyday people are confronted with images of the Middle East crisis, none of which shows an improvement of the humanitarian situation on the ground or a positive change in the dynamic of the conflict. This crisis is one of a series of chronic conflicts that the international community is currently confronted with. As an organisation focused in the area of humanitarian relief work, Medair is active in several of these crisis scenarios.





Sustainability Framework at Foundation Green Ethiopia

Two-part Guest contribution by Simon Pfister, Managing director of Foundation Green Ethiopia. Read the first post here.





The Art of sustainable bean counting

Two-part Guest contribution by Simon Pfister, Managing director of Foundation Green Ethiopia. Read the second post here.


Solar panels on African Hut




Saving the world with corporations?

Guest contribution by Elias Kost (Managing co-director of Solafrica)

Non-profit organisations have the noble goal of making the world a better place. Depending on their focus, they would usually decide on approaches such as education or lobbying. More recently however, entrepreneurial approaches have also become accepted or even preferred.

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